Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study

Publications and Reports

Communications of CLAMS (as of 9 Dec 2008)

*Published documents are available on request
Some publications are downloadable as a PDF.


Ecological Applications Invited Feature:

Spies, T.A. and K.N. Johnson. 2007. Projecting Forest Policy and Management Effects across Ownerships in Coastal Oregon. Ecological Applications. 17(1):3-4. [VIEW]

Spies, T.A., K.N. Johnson, K.M. Burnett, J.L. Ohmann, B.C. McComb, G.H Reeves, P. Bettinger, J.D. Kline, and B. Garber-Yonts. 2007. Cumulative Ecological and Socioeconomic Effects of Forest Policies in Coastal Oregon. Ecological Applications. 17(1):5-17. [VIEW]

Ohmann, J.L., M.J. Gregory, and T.A. Spies. 2007. Influence of Environment, Disturbance, and Ownership on Forest Vegetation of Coastal Oregon. Ecological Applications. 17(1):18-33. [VIEW]

Johnson, K.N., P. Bettinger, J.D. Kline, T.A. Spies, M. Lennette, G. Lettman, B. Garber-Yonts, and T. Larson. 2007. Simulating Forest Structure, Timber Production, and Socioeconomic Effects in a Multi-Owner Province. Ecological Applications. 17(1):34-47. [VIEW]

Spies, T.A., B.C. McComb, R.S.H. Kennedy, M.T. McGrath, K.A. Olsen, and R.J. Pabst. 2007. Potential Effects of Forest Policies on Terrestrial Biodiversity in a Multi-Ownership Province. Ecological Applications. 17(1):48-65. [VIEW] [VIEW Online Appendix]

Burnett, K.M., G.H. Reeves, D.J. Miller, S. Clarke, K. Vance-Borland, and K. Christiansen. 2007. Distribution of Salmon-Habitat Potential Relative to Landscape Characteristics and Implications for Conservation. Ecological Applications. 17(1):66-80. [VIEW]

Johnson, K.N., S. Duncan, and T.A. Spies. 2007. Regional Policy Models for Forest Biodiversity Analysis: Lessons from Coastal Oregon. Ecological Applications. 17(1):81-90. [VIEW]


Other Published or In press:

Alig, R. J., D. Zheng, T. A. Spies, and B. J. Butler. 2000. Forest cover dynamics in the Pacific Northwest west side: regional trends and projections. Research Paper PNW-RP-522. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR [VIEW]

Bettinger, P. and M. Lennette. 2005. Extreme Policies Modeled Within the Landscape Management Policy Simulator (LAMPS). Systems Analysis in Forest Resources: Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium. 291-297. [VIEW]

Bettinger, P., M. Lennette, K.N. Johnson, and T.A. Spies. 2005. A hierarchical spatial framework for forest landscape planning. Ecological Modelling. 182 (2005) 25-48. [VIEW]

Bettinger, P. and M. Lennette. 2004. LAndscape Management Policy Simulator (LAMPS), Version 1.1 User's Guide. Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Research Contribution 43. 117 p.

Bettinger, P. 2003. A vegetation similarity index driven by distance--dependent spatial information. Journal of Forest Planning. 9:73-83.

Bettinger, P. and K.N. Johnson.
2003. Spatial scheduling of forest management activities using a dynamic deterministic harvest block aggregation process. Journal of Forest Planning. 9:25-34.

Bettinger, P. 2001. Challenges and opportunities for linking the modeling of forest vegetation dynamics with landscape planning models. Landscape and Urban Planning. 56:107-124.

Benda, L., N.L. Poff, D. Miller, T. Dunne, G.H. Reeves, G. Pess, M. Pollock. 2004. The Network Dynamics Hypothesis: How Channel Networks Structure Riverine Habitats. Bioscience, 54: 413-427 [VIEW]

Boughton, D. and U. Malvadkar. 2002. Extinction risk in successional landscapes subject to catastrophic disturbances. Conservation Ecology, 6(2): 2. [VIEW]

Burnett, K.M. and D.J. Miller. 2007. Streamside Policies for Headwater Channels: An Example Considering Debris Flows in the Oregon Coastal Province. Forest Science, 53(2). [VIEW]

Burnett, K.M., G.H. Reeves, S.E. Clarke, and K.R. Christiansen. 2006. Comparing Riparian and Catchment Influences on Stream Habitat in a Forested, Montane Landscape. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 48:175–197. [VIEW]

Clarke, S.E., K.M. Burnett, and D.J. Miller. 2008. Modeling Streams and Hydrogeomorphic Attributes in Oregon from Digital and Field Data. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 44(2):459-477. [VIEW]

Clarke, S. and K. Burnett.
2003. Comparison of Digital Elevation Models for Aquatic Data Development. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS). December 2003:1367-1375. [VIEW] If this information is to be reprinted in any other format or from another volume or edition, please contact ASPRS. Please include acknowledgments, in the following format, with the reprinted article: Reproduced with permission, the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Authors, title. Publication vol num: pp-pp.

Cohen, W. B., T. K. Maiersperger, T. A. Spies, and D. R. Oetter. In Press. Modeling forest cover attributes as continuous variables in a regional context with Thematic Mapper data. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

Garman, S. L., F. J. Swanson, and T. A. Spies. 1999. Past, present, future landscape patterns in the Douglas-fir region of the Pacific Northwest. Pages 61-86 in Rochelle, J. A., L. A. Lehmann, and J. Wisniewski, (eds.). Forest Fragmentation: Wildlife and Management Implications. Brill Academic Publishing. Leiden, The Netherlands.

Kennedy, R. S. H. and Spies, T. A. 2005. Dynamics of hardwood patches in a conifer matrix: 54 years of change in a forested landscape in Coastal Oregon, USA. Biological Conservation. 122 : 363-374 [VIEW]

Kennedy, R. S. H. and Spies, T. A. 2004. Forest cover changes in the Oregon Coast Range from 1939 to 1993. Forest Ecology and Management. 200 : 129-147 [VIEW]

Kerns, B. K. and J. L. Ohmann. 2004. Evaluation and Prediction of Shrub Cover in Coastal Oregon Forests (USA). Ecological Indicators, 4:83-98. [VIEW]

Kline, J. D., D. L. Azuma, and A. Moses. 2003. Modeling the Spatial Dynamic Distribution of Humans on a Landscape. Landscape Ecology, 18: 347-361. [VIEW]

Kline, J. D., A. Moses, and R. J. Alig. 2001. Integrating Urbanization into Landscape-level Ecological Assessments. Ecosystems, 4(1):3-18. [VIEW]

Kline, J. D., R. J. Alig, and R. L. Johnson. 2000. Forest owner incentives to protect riparian habitat. Ecological Economics, 33(1):29-43. [VIEW]

Kline, J. D., R. J. Alig, and R. L. Johnson. 2000. Fostering the production of nontimber services among forest owners with heterogeneous objectives. Forest Science, 46(2):302-311.

Kline, J. D. and R. J. Alig. 1999. Does land use planning slow the conversion of forest and farm lands? Growth and Change, 30: 3-22. [VIEW]

Lancaster, S.T. , and G.E. Grant, 2005 (in press). Debris dams and the relief of headwater streams, Geomorphology , special issue on bedrock rivers, edited by P.A. Carling. [VIEW]

Lancaster, S.T. , and G.E. Grant, 2003. You want me to predict what? in Prediction in Geomorphology , edited by P.R. Wilcock and R.M. Iverson, pp. 41-50 (DOI: 10.1029/135GM04), American Geophysical Union, Washington.  [VIEW]

Lancaster, S.T. , S.K. Hayes, and G.E. Grant, 2003. Effects of wood on debris flow runout in small mountain watersheds, Water Resources Research , 39 (6), 1168, doi:10.1029/2001WR001227. (Copyright 2003, American Geophysical Union. Further reproduction or electronic distribution is not permitted.) [VIEW]

Lancaster, S.T. , S.K. Hayes, and G.E. Grant, 2001. Modeling sediment and wood storage and dynamics in small mountainous watersheds, in Geomorphic Processes and Riverine Habitat , J.M. Dorava, D.R. Montgomery, B.B. Palcsak, and F.A. Fitzpatrick (eds.), pp. 85-102, American Geophysical Union, Washington. [VIEW]

Lettman, G., and D. Campbell. 1997. Timber harvesting practices on private forest land in western Oregon. Oregon Dept. For. Salem, OR 48 p.

McComb B.C., T.A. Spies, K.A. Olsen. 2007. Sustaining Biodiversity in the Oregon Coast Range: Potential effects of Forest Policies in a Multi-ownership Province. Ecology and Society. 12(2):29. [VIEW]

McComb W. C., McGrath M. T., Spies T. A., and Vesely D. 2002. Models for Mapping Potential Habitat at Landscape Scales: An Example Using Northern Spotted Owls. Forest Science, 48(2):203-216. [VIEW]

Miller, D.J. and K.M. Burnett. 2008. A probabilistic model of debris-flow delivery to stream channels, demonstrated for the Coast Range of Oregon, USA. Geomorphology. 94:184-205. [VIEW]

Miller, D.J. and K.M. Burnett. 2007. Effects of forest cover, topography, and sampling extent on the measured density of shallow, translational landslides. Water Resources Research, Vol. 43. [VIEW]

Nonaka, E., T.A. Spies. 2005. Historical Range of Variability in Landscape Structure: A Simulation Study in Oregon, USA. Ecological Applications. [VIEW]

Ohmann, J. L. and M. J. Gregory. 2002. Predictive mapping of forest composition and structure with direct gradient analysis and nearest neighbor imputation in coastal Oregon, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research., 32: 725-741. [VIEW]

Pabst, R. J. and T. A. Spies. 2001. Ten years of vegetation succession on a debris-flow deposit in Oregon. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 37(6): 1693-1708.

Pabst, R. J. and T. A. Spies. 1999. Structure and composition of unmanaged riparian forests in the coastal mountains of Oregon, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Resources, 29: 1557-1573. [VIEW]

Pabst, R. J. and T. A. Spies. 1998. Distribution of herbs and shrubs in relation to landform and canopy cover in riparian forests of coastal Oregon. Canadian Journal of Botany, 76: 298-315. [VIEW]

Reeves, G.H., K. M. Burnett, E.V. McGarry. 2003. Sources of large wood in the main stem of a fourth-order watershed in coastal Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 33: 1363-1370. [VIEW]

Spies, T. A., G. H. Reeves, K. M. Burnett, W. C. McComb, K. N. Johnson, G. Grant, J. L. Ohmann, S. L. Garman and P. Bettinger. In press. Assessing the ecological consequences of forest policies in a multi-ownership province in Oregon. In J. Liu and W. W. Taylor eds. Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management. Cambridge Univ. Press

Thompson J.R., K.N. Johnson, M. Lennette, T. Spies, P. Bettenger. 2006. Historical disturbance regimes as a reference for forest policy in a multiowner province: a simulation experiment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 36: 401-417. [VIEW]

Thompson J.R., Anderson M., and Johnson K. N. 2004. Ecosystem management across ownerships: The potential for collision with antitrust laws. Conservation Biology 18(6)1475-1481. [VIEW]

Wimberly, M.C. 2006. Species dynamics in disturbed landscapes: when does a shifting habitat mosaic enhance connectivity? Landscape Ecology, 21:35–46. [VIEW]

Wimberly, M.C. and J.L. Ohmann. 2004. A multi-scale assessment of human and environmental constraints on forest land cover change on the Oregon (USA) coast range. Landscape Ecology, 19: 631–646. [VIEW]

Wimberly, M.C. and T.A. Spies. Predicting spatial patterns of understory conifer regeneration in a Pacific Northwest forest landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science

Wimberly, M. C. and T. A. Spies. 2001. Influences of environment and disturbance on forest patterns in coastal Oregon watersheds. Ecology. 82(5): 1443-1459

Wimberly, M.C. and T.A. Spies. 2000. Simulating historical variability in the amount of old forests in the Oregon Coast Range. Conservation Biology, 14: 167-180.


Manuscripts submitted:

Boughton, D.A. In review. Species viability in stochastic landscapes. Conservation Ecology.

Garman, S.L., J.H. Cissel, and J.H. Mayo. In review. Accelerating development of late-successional conditions in young managed Douglas-fir stands: a simulation study. USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Report.


Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

Thompson, J.R. 2005.  What's it worth to you? Estimating the public's willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation (Featuring the research of Brian Garber-Yonts). Science Findings 77. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 5 p.

Thompson, J.R. 2005.  Biodiversity policies: where are they leading us? Are we going where we expected to go? (Featuring the Research of Thomas Spies and others) Science Findings 76. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 5 p. [VIEW]

Thompson, J.R. 2005.  Is it HIP? Identifying streams with high intrinsic potential to provide habitat for salmon and trout (Featuring the research of Kelly Burnett). Science Findings 72. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 5 p. [VIEW]

Rapp, V. 2004. Ecosystems and People: Managing Forests for Mutual Gains. Science Update 8. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 12 p. [VIEW]

Duncan, S. L. 2003. Seeing the trees for the forest: mapping vegetation biodiversity in coastal Oregon forests (Featuring the research of Janet Ohmann). Science Findings 56. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 5 p. [VIEW]

Duncan, S. L. 2002. Changing the scale of our thinking: landscape-level learning (featuring the research of Thomas Spies and others). Science Findings 45. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 5 p. [VIEW]


Unpublished Reports

Bettinger, P., K. N. Johnson, J. Brooks, A. A. Herstrom, and T. A. Spies. 2000. Developing landscape simulation methodologies for assessing the sustainability of forest resources in Western Oregon. Phase I Report to the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Garman, S. L., and E. K. Cole. 1999. Vertebrate habitat relationships data bank (VHRDB). Unpublished report. Submitted to Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study, Agreement no. 96-5035-2CA PNW. 77 pp.


Dissertation / Theses:

Thompson J.R. 2004. Historical disturbance regimes as a reference for forest policy. Masters Thesis. Dept. of Forest Resources. Oregon State University.

Burnett, K. 2001. Relationships Among Juvenile Anadromous Salmonids, Their Freshwater Habitat, and Landscape Characteristics Over Multiple Years and Spatial Scales in the Elk River, Oregon. Ph.D., Oregon State University. Preface, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and 5

Garber-Yonts, B. 2000. Willingness to pay for biodiversity: Choice experiment analysis of conservation policy in the Oregon Coast Range. Ph.D., Oregon State University.

Hess, Rebecca, 1999. Spatial pattern and dynamics of hardwood patches in the Coast Range of Oregon, 1939-1993. M.S. Oregon State University.

Wimberly, Michael, 1999. Watershed-scale vegetation patterns in a late-successional forest landscape in the Oregon Coast Range. Ph.D., Oregon State University.

Schrader, Barbara, 1998. Structural development of late successional forests in the central Oregon Coast Range: Abundance, dispersal, and growth of western hemlock (tsuga heterophylla) regeneration. Ph.D., Oregon State University.

Chen, Shu-Huei, 1997. Characterization of fire effects on forest ecosystems in the Tillamook Forest, Oregon. M.S. Oregon State University

Jonathan P. Brooks, 1997. Bird-Habitat Relationships at Multiple Spatial Resolutions in the Oregon Coast Range. M.S. Oregon State University.

Documentation of data use:

CLAMS spatial data (vegetation, watersheds, and streams) obtained from this web site has been used for the following purposes:

  • Research, within Oregon: 24%
  • Research, outside Oregon: 13%
  • Policy (including watershed councils): 15%
  • Student projects: 35%
  • Education: 13%


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