Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study


Kelly Burnett

Fish Biologist
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Aquatic and Land Interactions Program

3200 Jefferson Way
Corvallis, Oregon 97331


Ph.D., Fisheries Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
M.S., Fisheries Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
B.S., Chemistry and Biology, Berry College, Mount Berry, Georgia

Research interests
Salmon ecology, landscape ecology, and the role of disturbance on stream ecosystems

Current Research Projects
Understanding relationships among salmon, their freshwater habitats, and landscape characteristics at multiple spatial scales; developing and evaluating landscape-level tools to help prioritize streams/watersheds for conservation or restoration; modeling effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on salmon and freshwater habitat.

Burnett, K. 2001. Relationships Among Juvenile Anadromous Salmonids, Their Freshwater Habitat, and Landscape Characteristics Over Multiple Years and Spatial Scales in the Elk River, Oregon. Ph.D., Oregon State University. Preface, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and 5

Recent Publications

Burnett, K.M., G.H. Reeves, S.E. Clarke, and K.R. Christiansen. 2006. Comparing riparian and catchment-wide influences on salmonid habitat in Elk River , Oregon . Pages 175-196 in R.M. Hughes and L. Wang (eds), Influences of Landscapes on Stream Habitat and Biological Communities. American Fisheries Society Symposium 48. Bethesda , MD

Reeves, G.H., J.E. Williams, K.M. Burnett, and K. Gallo. 2006. The aquatic conservation strategy of the Northwest Forest Plan. Conservation Biology 13:1220-1223

Spies, T.A., K.N. Johnson, K.M. Burnett, J.L. Ohmann, B.C. McComb, G.H Reeves, P. Bettinger, J.D. Kline, and B. Garber-Yonts. 2007. Cumulative Ecological and Socioeconomic Effects of Forest Policies in Coastal Oregon . Ecological Applications 17(1):5-17. 

Burnett, K.M., G.H. Reeves, D.J. Miller, S. Clarke, K. Vance-Borland, and K. Christiansen. 2007. Distribution of Salmon-Habitat Potential Relative to Landscape Characteristics and Implications for Conservation. Ecological Applications.17(1):66-80.

Miller, D. J., and K. M. Burnett. 2007. Effects of forest cover, topography, and sampling extent on the measured density of shallow, translational landslides. Water Resources Research, 43, W03433, doi:10.1029/2005WR004807.

Wondzell, S.M., K.M. Burnett, J.D. Kline. 2007. Landscape Analysis: Projecting the effects of management and natural disturbances on forest and watershed resources of the Blue Mountains, Oregon , USA . Landscape and Urban Planning 80:193–197 

Bigelow, P., L.E. Benda, D.J. Miller, and K. M. Burnett. 2007. On Debris Flows, River Networks, and the Spatial Structure of Channel Morphology. Forest Science 53: 220-238. 

Burnett, K.M. and D.J. Miller. 2007. Streamside Policies for Headwater Channels: An Example Considering Debris Flows in the Oregon Coastal Province. Forest Science 53: 239-253.

Miller, D.J. and K.M. Burnett. In press. A probabilistic model of debris-flow delivery to stream channels, demonstrated for the Coast Range of Oregon, USA Geomorphology.

Torgersen, C.E., R.E. Gresswell, D.S. Bateman, and K.M. Burnett. In press. Spatial identification of tributary impacts in river networks. in A. Roy, S. Rice, and B. Rhoads (eds), River confluences and the fluvial network.

Clarke, S.E., K.M. Burnett, and D.J. Miller. In press. Modeling streams and hydrogeomorphic attributes in Oregon from field and digital data. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.


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