Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study


Rebecca S.H. Kennedy


Research Forest Ecologist
PNW Research Station

USDA Forest Service
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

tel 541.750.7262
fax 541.750.7329

PhD, Forest Ecology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2005
, Forest Ecology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1999
BA, English, University of Oregon (Honors College), Eugene, OR, 1991

Research interests:
Understanding patterns of vegetation change across multiple scales in relation to disturbance and environment, and old-growth forest structure and dynamics.

Current research projects:
Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS). Coordination of the CLAMS dead wood modeling effort. Study of the spatial pattern and dynamics of hardwood patches, landcover change, and the local, landscape, and regional patterns of dead wood in relation to topography and history in the forests of the Coastal Province of Oregon.

Selected Manuscripts and In Press Publications:

  • Spies, T.A., B.C. McComb, R.S.H. Kennedy, M. McGrath, K.A. Olsen, R.J. Pabst. In press. Potential effects of forest policies on terrestrial biodiversity in a multi-ownership province. Ecological Applications.

  • Kennedy, R.S.H. 2005. Dead Wood Dynamics and Relationships to Biophysical Factors, Forest History, Ownership, and Management Practices in the Coastal Province of Oregon , USA . PhD. Dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

  • Kennedy, R.S.H. and T.A. Spies. 2005. Dynamics of hardwood patches in a conifer matrix: 54 years of change in a forested landscape in Coastal Oregon, USA . Biological Conservation 122: 363-374.

  • Kennedy, R.S.H. and T.A. Spies. 2004. Forest cover changes in the Oregon Coast Range from 1939 to 1993. Forest Ecology and Management, 200: 129-147.

  • Kennedy, R.S.H., K.A. Olsen, R.J. Pabst, and T.A. Spies. 2004. A simulation of dead wood dynamics in the Elliott State Forest, Oregon. Report prepared for Oregon Department of Forestry.

  • Hess, R.S. 1999. Spatial Pattern and Dynamics of Hardwood Patches in the Coast Range of Oregon, 1939-1993. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.


  • Kennedy, R.S.H. and K.A. Olsen. Simulating Dead Wood in the Coast Range of Oregon. Poster Presentation at Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS) Symposium: "Changing the Scale of our Thinking", Corvallis, OR, June 10, 2002.

  • Kennedy, R.S.H. and T. A. Spies. Fire, Salvage, Forest History, and Topographic Effects on Large Dead Wood in an Oregon Landscape: The Importance of Legacy Wood. Poster presentation at United States Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecology 17th Annual Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April 23-27, 2002.

  • Hess, R.S. Snag and Down Wood Patterns in Forests of the Coast Range of Oregon. Oral presentation at United States Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecology 16th Annual Symposium, Tempe, AZ, April 25-29, 2001.

  • Hess, R.S. Changes in the distribution and amount of late successional/old growth, hardwood and shrub cover types in the coast range of Oregon, 1939-1993. Oral presentation at Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Snowbird, Utah, August 6-10, 2000.

  • Hess, R.S. and T.A. Spies. Are shrub and hardwood tree cover types declining in the Coast Range? Potential causes and implications. Poster presentation at Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting, Missoula, MT, June 9-12, 2000.

  • Hess, R.S. and T.A. Spies. Spatial pattern and dynamics of hardwood patches in a multi-ownership landscape in the Coast Range of Oregon, 1939-1993. Oral presentation at United States Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecology 15th Annual Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 15-19, 2000.

  • Hess, R.S. and T.A. Spies. Vegetation dynamics in a managed forest landscape: the interplay between succession, management and environment in the central Coast Range of Oregon. Poster presentation at United States Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecology 13th Annual Symposium, East Lansing, MI, March 17-21, 1998.

  • Hess, R.S. and T.A. Spies. Vegetation dynamics in a managed forest landscape: the interplay between succession, management and environment in the central Coast Range of Oregon. Poster presentation at the 6th Annual Graduate Student Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, April 10, 1998.

  • Gartner, B.L, R. Spicer, D.C. Baker and R.S. Hess. Sapwood in a Thinned and Unthinned Stand: How Much is There and Why is It There? Poster presentation at First Annual H.J. Andrews Long Term Ecological Research Site Symposium, June 13, 1997.

  • Hess, R.S. Invited Speaker. Closing Remarks, with College of Forestry Dean George Brown. Women in Natural Resources Symposium, Oregon State University, February 18-19, 1996.


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