North Myrtle Creek RNA

Myrtle Creek (2) 1980
Myrtle Creek (3) 1980
Myrtle Creek 1980
North Myrtle Creek
Name: North Myrtle Creek
Ownership: BLM
Type: RNA
State: Oregon
Ecoregion: Klamath Mountains
District Roseburg District
Acres: 453

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North Myrtle Creek Research Natural Area (RNA) was established to represent an Umpqua Valley mixed conifer forest and an upland mixed oak and conifer forest. The RNA also includes small grassy balds surrounded by Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana), wedgeleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus) chaparral (Larrea divaricata), and riparian forest along a short stream. Wedgeleaf ceanothus/dogtail (Ceanothus cuneatus/Cynosurus echinatus), Oregon white oak-Douglas fir/poison oak (Quercus garryana-Pseudotsuga menziesii/Toxicodendron diversilobum), Douglas fir/oceanspray/whipplevine-SWO (Pseudotsuga menziesii/Holodiscus discolor/Whipplea modesta-Southwest Oregon), Douglas fir/dwarf Oregon grape/western swordfern (Pseudotsuga menziesii/Berberis nervosa/Polystichum munitum) and white fir/salal-dwarf Oregon grape (Abies concolor/Gaultheria shallon-Berberis nervosa) are the dominant plant communities in the RNA. Spring phacelia (Phacelia verna), a special status species, is also present.


Records and Plans:
Research Publications Associated with this RNA: