Long Draw RNA

Long Draw SE needle and thread Greene 26-Sep-1981
Name: Long Draw
Ownership: BLM
Type: RNA
State: Oregon
Ecoregion: Basin and Range
District Burns District
Acres: 441

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Long Draw Research Natural Area (RNA) was established to represent a terrestrial ecosystem containing Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides) and needle-and-thread (Hesperostipa comata) in association with Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). Needle-and-thread grass /Indian ricegrass community complex grows in the drainages while the Wyoming big sagebrush /bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) plant community grows on nearby ridgetops. The RNA has a high potential for epithermal-related gold, silver, and mercury deposits.


Records and Plans:
Research Publications Associated with this RNA: