Horse Pasture Ridge RNA

Horse Pasture Ridge
Name: Horse Pasture Ridge
Ownership: FS
Type: RNA
State: Oregon
Ecoregion: Blue Mountains
Forest: Wallowa-Whitman NF
District Wallowa Valley RD
Acres: 338

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Horse Pasture Ridge Research Natural Area (RNA) was established to represent Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis)-prairie junegrass (Koeleria macrantha) and Idaho fescue – bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata) plant associations in ridgetop communities.  A ridge runs east-west along the northern portion of the RNA and a series of five finger ridges run from the top of Horse Pasture Ridge down to Peavine Creek. The slopes are steep and banded with exposed rock. The RNA is primarily bunchgrasses with the exception of a few patches of dry forest in north and east-facing exposures.  Idaho fescue-prairie junegrass and Idaho fescue – bluebunch wheatgrass plant associations dominate the RNA.


Records and Plans:
Research Publications Associated with this RNA: