Gumjuwac-Tolo RNA
Gumjuwac-Tolo Research Natural Area (RNA) was established to represent several aquatic and terrestrial features including first to third order stream systems in the subalpine fir zone, Grand-fir Englemann spruce/starry solomon plume (Abies grandis-Picea engelmannii/Smilacina stellata) plant association, and the Grand fir/skunkleaf polemonium (Abies grandis/Polemonium pulcherrimum) plant association. The RNA has numerous small stream valleys, level benches, and knolls interrupting the southern slope. Dominant trees include subalpine fir and mountain hemlock at the highest elevations, Pacific silver fir on western portions of the RNA, grand fir on central and lower portions of the RNA, and Douglas-fir in dry, rocky areas of the eastern portion of the RNA.
Records and Plans: | |
Research Publications Associated with this RNA: |