This page provides access to digital maps and supporting material used in developing future scenarios for the Willamette River Basin. The Existing Conditions Section contains digital maps in ArcInfo format organized into six categories called Theme Groups. These maps provide the starting point for development of the maps in the Possible Futures section. The dataset identified as LULC Ca 1990 is the composite base year map. In the Existing Conditions section, downloading is available through both the Theme Group and Data layers menus to the left of this page.

In the Futures Scenarios section, maps representing three future scenarios are available. Within each scenario, separate maps are provided for projections at ten year intervals from the year 2000 to 2050 inclusive. Downloading for this section is also available from the menu.

The information available for downloading includes an ArcInfo workspace containing the map in grid representation, a TIFF image of the grid using the same color definitions employed in the printed map, and an ArcInfo graphics file of the plotted map. The colormap file and shadeset are also available in a separate file.

Files with a .zip name extension have been encoded using the zip program, while files with a .tar name extensions are tar archives. All of these files were prepared on a unix computer. We deliver the map via a workspace, because the export file is over 750 MB in size. Most but not all users of ArcInfo and ArcView on NT and Windows machines have been able to use the workspaces directly. An e-mail contact is provided at the top of the page. When transfering files, binary format is required.