Predicting edible mushroom productivity using forest carbon allocation modeling and immunoassays of ectomycorrhizae

Potential applications for predicting how environmental factors, stand conditions, and forest management choices influence the size and value of mushroom crops.

  1. Modify rotations, thinning densities, thinning intervals, or tree species selection to retain or enhance mushroom productivity in forests predominantly managed for timber production.
  2. Manage stands in areas with convenient access for mushroom picking to enhance long-term mushroom production.
  3. Lengthen rotations or refrain from harvesting timber in areas identified as having low timber value and high mushroom productivity.
  4. Manage stand conditions to promote mushroom production in forests not intended for timber production (for example, carbon sequestration).
  5. Provide continuous mushroom harvesting opportunities across watersheds, land ownerships, or bioregions as the mosaic of forest conditions and age classes shifts across the landscape.
  6. Maintain mushroom harvesting opportunities in the coming centuries by anticipating the shifts in forest biomes as they respond to global warming or other anthropogenic factors.

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