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Willamette LTEP-IRS 1996 Field season coarse woody detritus summary report.

Prepared 3/25/97 by Tad Buford
Peavy 043. 737-4457

As of the 1996 summer field season, treatments on the Willamette National Forest (Isolation Block) were installed only on block I. Line intercepts were used to sample coarse woody detritus using ten 25 m transects per subplot. The transect lengths were slope corrected for all calculations and are reported below in the horizontal equivalent. In all, three Alnus rubra logs and two Prunus emarginata logs were encountered on transects. Because we do not have densities across decay classes for these species we do report their calculated masses. Density constants from Harmon and Sexton (1996) were used for other species. Van Wagner’s (1968) method for estimating wood volume from line intercepts was used for this section of the study.

Stumps and snags were sampled on fixed plots. Five fixed plots (the "tree plots") were sampled totaling 1620 m2 per treatment. The size of the plots were slope corrected in the field so the horizontal projection of the sampling area equalled 18m x 18 m.

Because only one block has been sampled we cannot provide statistical analysis of the data. Data from block I are presented below in several formats to provide different views of the information. Figure 1 shows what proportion the mass of logs, stumps and snags represent of the total mass of coarse woody debris in each subplot. Figure 2 shows the contributions of each decay class while figure 3 and 4 show the contributions of different species.

All data was checked by double entry technique.

Table 1. Summary of coarse woody detritus (kg ha-1) for block I at the Willamette LTEP site Central Oregon Cascades, west-side.

I-E-1, (4)	93,831.24	13,021.06	50,358.61	157,210.91
I-E-3,(18)	181,668.42	19,620.99	22,084.79	223,374.20
I-M-1,(17)	50,593.08	10,339.86	55,991.19	116,924.13
I-M-3,(19)	12,711.63	40,738.99	32,349.02	85,799.63
I-L-1,(13)	50,341.26	19,277.20	21,175.95	90,794.41
I-L-3,(12)	66,417.74	2,459.59	17,395.62	86,272.94
I-C-C, (5)	52,266.34	66,326.34	0.00		118,592.68

Table 2.  Summary of log coarse wood mass, kg ha-1. LTEP Willamette site - block I.


I-E-1, (4) 37329.58 53636.63 0 0 0 2865.03 93831.24 I-E-3,(18) 76667.31 40792.69 8154.62 0 0 56053.81 181668.42 I-M-1,(17) 45583.52 4373.88 635.67 0 0 0 50593.08 I-M-3,(19) 10179.81 0 262.89 0 0 2268.93 12711.63 I-L-1,(13) 33090.52 1413.28 601.61 ? 0 9393.44 44498.86 I-L-3,(12) 58751.67 7113.04 0 0 ? 553.04 66417.75 I-C-C, (5) 51124.17 0 261.47 0 ? 660.83 52046.46 Table 3. Summary of snag aboveground mass (kg ha-1) of all species for each subplot of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot. Note that the decay classes used here closely correspond to log decay classes. Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 total I-E-1, (4) 0 208.26 1340.38 11472.42 0 13021.06 I-E-3,(18) 0 10494.18 6943.29 2099.65 83.87 19620.99 I-M-1,(17) 57.22 1411.37 5933.27 2938.00 0 10339.86 I-M-3,(19) 0 449.05 39495.88 668.35 125.71 40738.99 I-L-1,(13) 0 7203.84 7203.84 4262.27 607.26 19277.20 I-L-3,(12) 16.87 514.00 1068.96 774.80 84.96 2459.59 I-C-C, (5) 8703.33 21594.26 32620.76 2979.16 428.82 66326.34 Table 4. Summary of stump aboveground mass (kg ha-1), all species, for each subplot of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot. Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 total I-E-1, (4) 48161.94 852.53 1344.13 0 0 50358.61 I-E-3,(18) 19742.69 505.13 1836.97 0 0 22084.79 I-M-1,(17) 54732.21 280.48 978.50 0 0 55991.19 I-M-3,(19) 30073.33 67.63 2208.05 0 0 32349.02 I-L-1,(13) 17299.91 0 1558.64 2317.40 0 21175.95 I-L-3,(12) 14701.99 0 2693.62 0 0 17395.62 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 5. Summary of log coarse wood volume, m3 ha-1. LTEP Willamette site - block I. Site code PSME THPL TSHE ALRU PREM UNKN TOTAL I-E-1, (4) 152.92 232.38 0 0 0 19.36 404.65 I-E-3,(18) 310.04 165.97 32.60 0 0 245.29 753.89 I-M-1,(17) 243.44 17.64 1.69 0 0 0 262.76 I-M-3,(19) 53.21 0 0.89 0 0 13.50 67.60 I-L-1,(13) 140.23 9.18 2.04 7.23 0 57.87 216.55 I-L-3,(12) 251.91 28.68 0 0 1.47 3.83 285.90 I-C-C, (5) 233.34 0 1.08 0 0.55 4.47 239.44 Table 6. Pseudotsuga menziesii log coarse wood mass by decay class, kg ha-1.
LTEP Willamette site - block I.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 1719.46 5807.02 22630.97 3514.25 3657.89 I-E-3,(18) 9039.80 6365.66 37789.29 21678.18 1794.38 I-M-1,(17) 2371.55 1028.45 19135.24 19058.82 3989.47 I-M-3,(19) 524.40 2851.79 1148.05 2440.28 3215.28 I-L-1,(13) 3492.94 512.70 21872.78 6034.05 1178.05 I-L-3,(12) 14588.31 2838.86 24458.59 16431.32 434.60 I-C-C, (5) 6846.43 12248.36 13931.81 17753.29 344.28 Table 7. Thuja plicata log coarse wood mass by decay class, kg ha-1.
LTEP Willamette site - block I.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 0 0 47212.59 5845.35 578.68 I-E-3,(18) 738.70 0 22271.49 17782.51 0 I-M-1,(17) 0 0 4373.88 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-1,(13) 0 0 0 1413.28 0 I-L-3,(12) 0 0 7113.04 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 Table 8. Tsuga heterophylla log coarse wood mass by decay class, kg ha-1.
LTEP Willamette site - block I.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 0 0 0 0 0 I-E-3,(18) 0 4226.96 3927.66 0 0 I-M-1,(17) 635.67 0 0 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 262.89 0 0 0 I-L-3,(12) 0 0 0 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 261.47 0 0 Table 9. Unknown log species mass by decay class, kg ha-1. LTEP
Willamette site - block I. Note that Douglas-fir densities were
assumed to calculate mass from volume.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 0 0 0 0 2865.03 I-E-3,(18) 0 0 27470.93 18600.21 9982.66 I-M-1,(17) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 519.65 0 286.79 1462.48 I-L-1,(13) 0 0 2210.62 2505.28 4677.54 I-L-3,(12) 0 0 0 178.80 374.24 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 219.88 0 660.83 Table 10. Log coarse woody detritus mass (kg ha-1) for all species
separated by decay class. Willamette LTEP site, block I.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 1719.46 5807.02 69843.56 9359.60 7101.60 I-E-3,(18) 23190.03 7986.25 120610.49 27301.66 2579.99 I-M-1,(17) 3007.22 1028.45 23509.12 19058.82 3989.47 I-M-3,(19) 524.40 3634.33 1148.05 2727.08 4677.77 I-L-1,(13) 8563.44 1135.29 24536.76 10139.95 5965.82 I-L-3,(12) 14588.31 2838.86 31571.62 16610.11 808.84 I-C-C, (5) 6846.43 12248.36 14413.15 17753.29 1005.11 Table 11. Log coarse wood data summary and line intercept information.
LTEP Willamette site - block I.
Site code CWD, CWD, Avg. Number Transect m-3 ha-1 kg ha-1 log dia. cm of logs length, m I-E-1, (4) 404.65 93831.2 29.14 58 224.06 I-E-3,(18) 753.89 181668.0 29.27 137 244.71 I-M-1,(17) 262.76 50593.1 32.09 43 236.42 I-M-3,(19) 67.60 12711.6 27.62 26 233.95 I-L-1,(13) 216.55 44498.9 27.85 47 237.12 I-L-3,(12) 285.90 66417.7 26.42 55 241.98 I-C-C, (5) 240.23 52046.5 32.93 41 223.79 Table 12. Pseugotsuga menzsieii stump aboveground mass (kg ha-1) for each
subplot of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 47498.31 852.53 1344.13 0 0 I-E-3,(18) 16695.85 505.13 0 0 0 I-M-1,(17) 52508.94 280.48 978.50 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 29404.60 67.63 2208.05 0 0 I-L-1,(13) 17299.91 0 1558.64 2317.40 0 I-L-3,(12) 10954.25 0 2693.62 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 Table 13. Thuja plicata stump aboveground mass (kg ha-1) for each subplot
of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 364.40 0 0 0 0 I-E-3,(18) 3046.84 0 1836.97 0 0 I-M-1,(17) 2223.27 0 0 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 668.73 0 0 0 0 I-L-1,(13) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-3,(12) 259.07 0 0 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 Table 14. Tsuga heterophylla stump aboveground mass (kg ha-1) for each
subplot of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 0 0 0 0 0 I-E-3,(18) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-1,(17) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-1,(13) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-3,(12) 2657.34 0 0 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 Table 15. Stump aboveground mass (kg ha-1) of unknown species for each subplot
of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 299.23 0 0 0 0 I-E-3,(18) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-1,(17) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-1,(13) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-3,(12) 831.34 0 0 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 Table 16. Pseugotsuga menzsieii snag aboveground mass (kg ha-1) for each subplot
of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot.
Site code class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 I-E-1, (4) 0 208.26 1340.38 11472.42 0 I-E-3,(18) 0 10494.18 6943.29 2099.65 83.87 I-M-1,(17) 57.22 1411.37 5933.27 2938.00 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 449.05 39436.97 668.35 125.71 I-L-1,(13) 0 7203.84 7203.84 4262.27 607.26 I-L-3,(12) 0 413.48 1068.96 774.80 84.96 I-C-C, (5) 8703.33 21594.26 32620.76 2979.16 428.82 Table 17. Snag aboveground mass (kg ha-1) of remaining species for each subplot
of block I. Data collected on fixed plots, 1620 m2 per subplot.
class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 Spp. - - > TSHE TSHE THPL I-E-1, (4) 0 0 0 0 0 I-E-3,(18) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-1,(17) 0 0 0 0 0 I-M-3,(19) 0 0 58.91 0 0 I-L-1,(13) 0 0 0 0 0 I-L-3,(12) 16.87 100.52 0 0 0 I-C-C, (5) 0 0 0 0 0 Table 18. Pre-harvest cruising data for Isolation block treatments. Nonsaw trees have a DBH of 5” and 6” while saw trees have a DBH > 7”. (Source = Jim Overton) Subunit Acres MBF DBH Number MBF DBH Number total MBF nonsaw nonsaw of saw saw of MBF /acre nonsaw saw trees trees 2 16 106 6.4 2603 737 16.7 1948 843 52.7 3 15 84 6.1 1977 1136 16.6 2989 1220 81.3 4 14 148 6.1 5250 848 11.5 5781 996 71.1 6 17 29 6.5 997 312 11.4 1983 341 20.1 7 15 162 6.2 4933 320 11.3 2342 482 32.1 8 14 40 6.5 555 767 16 2062 807 57.6 9 15 73 5.9 2627 743 12.7 3566 816 54.4 10 17 46 5.3 931 747 14.9 2435 793 46.6 11 15 72 6 1617 654 12.5 3763 726 48.4 12 15 97 5.4 4812 138 11.5 975 235 15.7 13 15 86 5.8 3773 286 13.7 1250 372 24.8 14 15 109 6.8 2018 883 11.6 5471 992 66.1 16 15 75 5.6 2093 836 12.4 4200 911 60.7 17 15 97 5.3 4880 717 11.2 5608 814 54.3 18 16 178 5.7 4976 735 10.6 5702 913 57.1 19 16 59 5.8 1264 872 13 4509 931 58.2 20 19 49 5.4 2829 284 14 1216 333 17.5 21 16 457 5.1 5243 371 11.7 2370 828 51.8 *PSME = Pseudotsuga menziesii. THPL = Thuja plicata. TSHE = Tsuga heterophylla. ALRU = Alnus rubra. PREM = Prunus emarginata. UNKN = Unknown species. REFERENCES Harmon, M.E. and J. Sexton. 1996. Guidelines for Measurements of Woody Debris in
Forest Ecosystems. Publication No. 20. U.S. LTER Network Office:University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. 73 pp. Van Wagner, C.E. 1968. The line intercept method in forest fuel sampling. Forest
Science 14:20-26.