Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study

Forest Growth with ORGANON and ZELIG

  • People
    Rob Pabst: forest ecology, OSU Senior Research Assistant
    Matthew Goslin: forest ecology, OSU Research Assistant
    Pete Bettinger: modeling, University of Georgia
    Steve Garman: ecological modeling, OSU
    Thomas Spies: landscape ecology, PNW (Co-leader)

  • Modeling stand development

    Our goal is to develop a strategy for projecting the development of Coast Range forest stands across the entire province. Two simulation models are being used: ZELIG.PNW.3.0 (Steven Garman 1995), a process-based ecological model, and ORGANON (David Hann et al. 1994), an empirical growth and yield model. Projections of vegetation change across landscapes depend on our ability to effectively simulate forest development at the scale of the stand. We need to be able to simulate the wide variety of initial conditions and management approaches which occur across the Coast Range: intensively managed planted stands; young conifer stands treated with alternative silvicultural methods; mature mixed stands entered repeatedly with partial cuts; old growth stands with no intervention; and riparian hardwood stands. ORGANON is a credible model for growth and yield projections. However, ORGANON was not intended for use outside this range of stand types or limited time frame (100 yrs.). In contrast, ZELIG, a theoretical, ecological model, is capable of modeling a potentially unlimited range of stand types, management strategies and lengths of time. ZELIG and other process-based models have wide currency in the scientific community, whereas ORGANON is more commonly used by forest managers. To be useful, ZELIG must be tested and parameterized against real data. We are using ORGANON on private lands with relatively simple stand conditions and shorter rotations, and ZELIG on public land to simulate longer periods of development, complex stand types, and alternative silvicultural systems.

  • Posters

    Use of the ZELIG Forest Simulation Model in the Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS)

    PDF - 2.7 mb

  • Publications
    None Available


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